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General Maintenance Policy

Weekly mowing is designed to maintain both the lawn, equipment servicing it and a consistent schedule. Excessive growth can not be mowed at the same height and must be mowed twice to prevent excessive wear or damage to the equipment, not to mention the additional labor time that both costs the company and forces other customers to wait longer for their service. Wear on the equipment has become a much greater problem in the past year as many parts have increased drastically in price or are simply not available from the manufacturer, at all.


If you are a new customer, please be aware that if your lawn has not been maintained regularly up until we begin mowing it, the first mow will be charged by the hour. After that first mow brings it to a maintainable length, the flat-rate weekly price originally quoted will go into effect. As well, please be aware that removal of leaves or other debris from the lawn prior to mowing will be charged by the hour.

We want to mow everyone on their preferred day or as close to it as possible, but labor being an ongoing challenge, efficiency and planning are imperative. So, we ask that customers who wish to skip a week of mowing notify us, at least, 24 hours in advance so that we can plan accordingly. We will begin charging a minimum $48 service call to cover the cost of time and fuel spent travelling to the site for no-notice cancellations. As well, if a request to skip results in excessive growth that requires a double-cut the following week, we will charge by the hour.


Our mowing crew is prohibited from lowering the mower deck upon request. Cutting grass too short is detrimental to a lawn and reduces the grass plant's dominance, allowing weeds to flourish and possibly killing the grass. Everyone wants to save money, but "scalping" the lawn in hopes of reducing the frequency of service ultimately costs more in the end.

Our mowing crews are excellent at assessing whether a lawn needs to be mowed, can be mowed without actual damage, what the equipment can handle and have no desire to work needlessly. The mowing crew and mowing supervisor, on their way to other jobs, often check ahead during the dry season to help save unnecessary travel time later in the week.


Because the mowing crews are on a tight and meticulously planned schedule, we cannot accomodate one-time mows, on-demand mows or every other week mowing.

We can certainly understand wanting to save and we want to be flexible, but if one customer saving a little causes the company to lose money and upsets multiple other customers, it’s just not a practice we can support. The majority of our clientele has been with us for many years and has come to expect a level or reliability and consistency not available with many other landscape contractors. 


We ask that our customers please trust in our 50+ years of expertise in grounds maintenance, in both task and organization. We understand that trust must be earned, so in addition to the above policy changes, we are enacting Quality Assurance measures in hopes of mitigating any need for our customers to have to concern themselves with their service. We always want you to call with any issues that arise, but it is our goal to eliminate that need.


Lastly, our quoted price for General Maintenance is not negotiable. Our prices are determined by methodical record keeping, analysis and decades of experience with a very small profit margin spread across many accounts. The price we quote is the lowest possible price we can offer.

© 2022 Ward's Landscape Service Inc.

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