Award winning landscape design, construction & maintenance, since 1970
Reflect your lifestyle with
distinctive landscape design
We No Longer Offer Snow Removal
We regret any inconvenience, but we no longer provide snow removal services. As difficult as it has been to find workers in fair weather it has been nearly impossible to find personnel willing to be on call to plow in the winter, and this has been the case for many years prior to the pandemic, even. All work we do is covered by commercial insurance and performed by knowledgeable, experienced personnel using well maintained, professional equipment and we can’t compete with independent contractors who can simply put a plow on their personal vehicle and get to work. As a result, our plowing accounts over the years have dwindled and it stopped being a sustainable business model when our biggest account went to a third party property management agency who would only hire the lowest bidder. We have always charged the lowest possible price to maintain a small profit, spread over many accounts and can't go any lower without taking losses. It cost the company less to stop offering those services in the Winter. We appreciate your understanding.
Experienced Professionals Wanted!

Ward's is looking for experienced landscapers for the 2021 season. We have openings in maintenance, construction and mowing. We offer high quality service and know that we have to treat our staff well to ensure our people uphold that standard. We offer an excellent benefits package, paid vacation time/in-season holidays, company shirts and outerwear and a year-end bonus for those who stay until the end.
If you are interested, see our ad on Indeed or fill out our employment questionnaire.
*Note: while we can appreciate experience in caring for your own home's landscaping, professional experience is regarded as time working for a landscape contractor or applicable related industry. Though the skills alone are important, completion of a job in the alloted time with a crew of varying size to contract specifications are crucial to operating a business.
Having Trouble Finding Us?
We are located at 7860 Lake Pleasant Road
South of Henderson Road
North of I-90
West side of Lake Pleasant
Look for the long blacktop driveway
Click the address above to see directions in Google Maps or go to our our Contact page

To Our Customers Regarding COVID-19
To our valued customers,
Recognizing the importance of ongoing Landscape Maintenance for our community’s safety, and cleanliness, Governor Wolf has approved landscapers to continue maintaining our neighborhoods during the COVID-19 shutdown of non-essential businesses. To accompany the order, the Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association has published Best Management Practices to prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus while operating.
Though our normal operation is very low-risk with regard to spreading pathogens, we have implemented the PLNA’s BMP’s as well as our own standards to address this public health concern and best protect our customers, and staff, while continuing to serve. These include, but are not limited to:
Implementation of daily all-hands communications within the company to inform, educate and reinforce SOPs, BMPs and possible next steps
Relax attendance policies to allow any employee who is uncomfortable working to stay home and use PTO or apply for UC
Enforce cleaning and sanitation protocols for all common spaces including trucks and equipment
Stagger crew start times to minimize congregation at office/shop locations
Limit crews to 1 person per truck and have all other crew personnel drive directly to the jobsite
Assign one truck to one crew and do not rotate
Minimize use of shared equipment and tools
Wear gloves as much as possible removing only to eat, drink, or touch your face
Crews are ordered to not touch items the homeowner has regular physical contact with (Mailbox, Garden Hose Nozzle, etc.)
Crews will not attempt to have physical contact with any customer. If they have a question, rather than knocking as normal, they will call the office and our office personnel will contact you via phone or e-mail
We understand that each of our customers may have different concerns regarding our current events and as we have always maintained, if you for any reason do not feel comfortable with our crew working on your property, please let us know and we will put your work on hold until we hear otherwise from you. Your safety and comfort is very important to us!
Pennsylvania Landscape & Nursery Association
North American Industry Classification System Association
Senator Dan Laughlin, PA 49th District